Friday, June 20, 2008

The Element of Surprise

With any kind of short story or drama, you will captivate an audience if you add the element of surpirse or confound their expectations. In conceiving your story, think of the unexpected twist or amazing event that will stand up any audience in amazement or the suspection of disbelief. This very short piece of video astonishes but yet you want to throw your suspicion out the window and rout for the ball girl. The twist is the unbelievable happens and we think we've been witness.

This is a virile media ad for Gatorade created by Chicago's Element 79 Partners and directed by Baker Smith of Harvest, Santa Monica. The stunt woman who makes the fantastic catch is Phoenix Brown who is aided by wire rigs and Framestore CFC. In fact, the wire rigs are very low tech, with two guys pulling wires from the other side of the fence to assist Brown running up the side of the wall. Smith taped the game to capture the realism of time and location. Then worked with stunt woman Brown to tape the inserts of her climbing he wall. The deep fly ball landing in her glove was added in post.

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