Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Lighting: Techniques to Advance Mood and Story

Running Time: 5 minutes 40 seconds

With a simple three point light package a no budget or low budget short drama can gain high production values by creating a mood and advancing the story with purpose. Often filmmakers are tempted to use available light and the low light sensitivity of todays commercial camcorders as a cover for not having a lighting plan or not knowing how to use lighting to direct viewers deeper into the story. Don't fall into this lazy trap.

Motivation with light makes a huge impact on the strength of the story you are trying to tell. This short video shows huge differences created within the same space and exactly the same shot. You can imply the passage of time, you can shift the internal psychology of the character and even using inexpensive materials and your white balance setting on the camera shoot day-for-night. This gives you many options with one simple location, even one shot, to suggest the passage of time.

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